Baswant's Responsible Tourism Policy

Honeybees are directly related to Nature & environment.
Hence, we give clear instructions to visitors about the dos & don’ts in our Honeybee Park.

This helps us to maintain the bee hives under natural conditions whether they are placed in boxes or Trees as well. By doing this we satisfy the two main tasks i.e.
1) Preserve the nature around you.
2) Leave things as you found them.

Our campus is a unique combination of Agri Tourism, Api Tourism & Industrial Tourism !
hence, we have trained our staff with the proper skills to have a responsible holiday experience for our visitors.

The local community is very much friendly with this approach and has many benefits from this. Like selling local products, homestays, farm visits. etc.
Providing beekeeping Training to Students, Farmers, and interested individuals along with Tribal & Local Communities we are definitely doing our best to make farming & environment sustainable.

We respect the culture.
We have a special museum section for Local art & culture. Which gives its diversified enriched experience to our visitors.

It is simply based on ‘IITT’ principle. i.e.
Interact    Involved    Trained     Trade.
We interact with our visitors, and visitors are involved in our activity, we make them trained in bee box handling, and ultimately the Trade happened. As visitors can collect the honey from bee boxes in their areas of living and can sell that honey to us.